If you’re grinding harder and longer with the extra day light, your nights are definitely getting shorter! It is best for your beauty if you get a full night’s sleep, but if you can’t, look fresh and awake using a nude eyeliner on your waterline. It gives your eyes some...
Tip of the Month
April’s Rockstar Tip of the Month
Sleeping on your back is best for your breasts. According to a Health.com article featuring Dee Anna Glaser, MD, sleeping on your back fully supports the weight of your breasts, reducing sagging.
March’s Rockstar Tip of the Month
As the season changes and Los Angeles becomes more humid, it's time to change up your skin care routines.
February’s Rockstar Tip of the Month
With roughly 45 million people in the US going on a diet each year, it might be on your to do list as well. My favorite diet is the Mediterranean diet. Eating primarily plant-based foods such as fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes and nuts. Fish at least twice a week....